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Welcome to A.M. Rapach Angling Books, purveyors of Antiquarian, Collectible, and Out-of-Print Fishing Books for the Discriminating Angler.

  • We are a bookseller, located in Southwestern Pennsylvania, specializing in fishing books, fly fishing books, hunting books, and sporting books.
  • We operate an online book store and sell books at hunting & fishing shows and flea markets throughout Pennsylvania and the surrounding states.
  • We buy single items and collections from individuals, used book shops, bookstores, independent book dealers, antique dealers, and book pickers.

Our angling books and sporting books catalogues are available online. Explore the catalogues and purchase books through our store on Square, Inc.

We will be posting more books. If you are looking for a particular book, please drop us a line. We have more titles than what are listed in the online catalogues.

The 2025 fishing and hunting show & flea market season has started strong--many shows and flea markets canceled during the last two years are reopening this year.

See our updated "Happenings" page for the latest 2025 show information.

Our next "big" show is the . . .

Penn's Woods West TU Cabin Fever 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Doubletree by Hilton, 910 Sheraton Drive, Mars, PA 16046
9 AM to 4 PM (no early buyers)

Mark your Calendar

Please see our "Happenings" page for more information & directions.
Pennsylvania's 2025 Trout Season opens on Saturday, April 5, 2024.
Respect your fellow anglers and enjoy the great fishing opportunities Pennsylvania has to offer.

**Arbona, Fred L. Jr.; Mayflies, the Angler, and the Trout **Babcock, Havlah; I Don't Want to Shoot an Elephant, Education of a Pretty Boy' Jaybirds go to Hell on Friday, The Best of Babcock (Boxed Set) **Barnes, George W.; How to Make Bamboo Fly Rods **Bashline, L. James; Atlantic Salmon Fishing **Bear, Fred; Fred Bear's Field Notes **Bergman, Ray; Trout **Best, A. K.; Fly Tying with A. K. **Black, William C.; Gentlemen Preferred Dry Flies **Borger, Gary A.; Designing Trout Flies **Brooks, Charles E.; Nymph Fishing for Larger Trout **Caucci, Al & Bob Nastasi; Fly-tyers Color Guide **Caucci, Al and Nastasi, Bob; Hatches, **Chatham, Russell (editor); Silent Seasons **Connett, Eugene V., 3d.; Random Casts **Darbee, Harry; The Compact Book of Fisherman's Tricks, Tips, and Hints **Foggia, Lyla; Reel Women: the World of Women Who Fish **Fulsher, Keith with David Klausmeyer; Thunder Creek Flies **Gierach, John; All Fishermen Are Liars **Gierach, John; Fool's Paradise **Gierach, John; Sex, Death and Fly-Fishing **Gierach, John; Still Life With Brook Trout **Gierach, John; Trout Bum **Gierach, John; Where the Trout Are All as Long as Your Leg **Gingrich, Arnold (editor); The Gordon Garland, A Round of Devotions by His Followers **Gingrich, Arnold; The Fishing in Print **Graham, Jamie Maxtone (compiler); The Best of Hardy's Anglers' Guides **Grove, Alvin R.; The Lure and Lore of Trout-Fishing **Haig-Brown, Roderick L.; The Master and His Fish; Fisherman's Fall; Fisherman's Spring; Fisherman's Summer; Fisherman's Winter **Heacox, Cecil E.; The Gallant Grouse **Hills, John Waller; A History of Fly Fishing for Trout **Holbrook, Don & Ed Koch; Midge Magic **Jennings, Preston J.; A Book of Trout Flies **Jorgensen, Poul; Modern Fly Dressings for the Practical Angler **Jorgensen, Poul; Favorite Flies and How to Tie Them **Kaufmann, Randall; Tying Dry Flies **Klausmeyer, David; Striped Bass Patterns **Kustich, Jerry; A Wisp in the Wind **Lawrie, W. H.; English Trout Flies **Lee, Art; Tying and Fishing the Riffling Hitch**Leiser, Eric; The Complete Book of Fly Tying **Leiser, Eric & Boyle, Eric H.; Stoneflies for the Angler **Letherman, Troy & Tony Weaver; Top Water: **Levy, Howard; Man Against Musky **Lilly, Bud; A Trout's Best Friend:y **Lyons, Nick; Spring Creek **Lyons, Nick; Spring Creek **Marden, Luis; The Angler's Bamboo **Marinaro, Vincent C.; A Modern Dry-Fly Code **Marinaro, Vincent C.; In the Ring of the Rise **McClintock, Grant; Flywater: Fly-Fishing Rivers of the West **McDonald, John (editor); The Complete Fly Fisherman **McDonald, John; Quill Gordon **Mendoza, George; Secret Places of Trout Fishermen  **Middleton, Harry; Rivers of Memory; The Bright Country **Migel, J. Michael (editor); The Masters of the Dry Fly **Mundy, Pat; Montana's Last Best River: the Bighole and its People **Peluso, Angelo; Saltwater Flies of the Northeast **Riling, Ray; Guns and Shooting; **Russell, Keith C. and Friends; The Fly-Fishingest Gentlemen **Schaldach, William J.; Coverts & Casts and Currents & Eddies (Boxed set); **Schollmeyer Jim and Ted Leeson; Inshore Flies: Best Contemporary Patterns from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts **Schollmeyer, Jim & Ted Leeson; Trout Flies of the East: Best Contemporary Patterns from East of the Rocky Mountains  **Schwiebert, Ernest; Death of a Riverkeeper **Schwiebert, Ernest; Nymphs; Trout (2 volume, box set) **Scott, Kathy; Changing Planes **Shaw, Helen; Fly-Tying **Shewey, John; Steelhead Flies **Sosin, Mark and Lefty Kreh; Fishing the Flats **Sparse Grey Hackle An Honest Angler **Spiller, Burton L.; Grouse Feathers **Stewart, Dick and Leeman, Bob; Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon **Swift, Jeremy; Arthur Ransome on Fishing **Talleur, Richard W.; Mastering the Art of Fly-tying; Modern Fly-Tying Materials **Vance, Joel M.; Autumn Shadows Outdoor Tales of the Supernatural **Walton, Izaak; The Compleat Angler **Williams, Ted & Underwood, John; Fishing the Big Three **Woods, Shirley E.; Angling For Atlantic Salmon **Woolner, Frank & Henry Lyman; Striped Bass Fishing **Wulff, Lee; Bush Pilot Angler; Trout on a Fly **Zabriskie, George A.; Fisherman's Philosophy

The Fishing Books Catalogue
(click on the cover to enter)

Classic Angling Books

More Recent Acquisitions

**Arbona, Fred L. Jr.; Mayflies, the Angler, and the Trout **Babcock, Havlah; I Don't Want to Shoot an Elephant, Education of a Pretty Boy' Jaybirds go to Hell on Friday, The Best of Babcock (Boxed Set) **Barnes, George W.; How to Make Bamboo Fly Rods **Bashline, L. James; Atlantic Salmon Fishing **Bear, Fred; Fred Bear's Field Notes **Bergman, Ray; Trout **Best, A. K.; Fly Tying with A. K. **Black, William C.; Gentlemen Preferred Dry Flies **Borger, Gary A.; Designing Trout Flies **Brooks, Charles E.; Nymph Fishing for Larger Trout **Caucci, Al & Bob Nastasi; Fly-tyers Color Guide **Caucci, Al and Nastasi, Bob; Hatches, **Chatham, Russell (editor); Silent Seasons **Connett, Eugene V., 3d.; Random Casts **Darbee, Harry; The Compact Book of Fisherman's Tricks, Tips, and Hints **Foggia, Lyla; Reel Women: the World of Women Who Fish **Fulsher, Keith with David Klausmeyer; Thunder Creek Flies **Gierach, John; All Fishermen Are Liars (signed) **Gierach, John; Fool's Paradise **Gierach, John; Sex, Death and Fly-Fishing **Gierach, John; Still Life With Brook Trout **Gierach, John; Trout Bum **Gierach, John; Where the Trout Are All as Long as Your Leg **Gingrich, Arnold (editor); The Gordon Garland, A Round of Devotions by His Followers **Gingrich, Arnold; The Fishing in Print **Graham, Jamie Maxtone (compiler); The Best of Hardy's Anglers' Guides **Grove, Alvin R.; The Lure and Lore of Trout-Fishing **Haig-Brown, Roderick L.; The Master and His Fish; Fisherman's Fall; Fisherman's Spring; Fisherman's Summer; Fisherman's Winter **Heacox, Cecil E.; The Gallant Grouse **Hills, John Waller; A History of Fly Fishing for Trout **Holbrook, Don & Ed Koch; Midge Magic **Jennings, Preston J.; A Book of Trout Flies **Jorgensen, Poul; Modern Fly Dressings for the Practical Angler **Jorgensen, Poul; Favorite Flies and How to Tie Them **Kaufmann, Randall; Tying Dry Flies **Klausmeyer, David; Striped Bass Patterns **Kustich, Jerry; A Wisp in the Wind **Lawrie, W. H.; English Trout Flies **Lee, Art; Tying and Fishing the Riffling Hitch**Leiser, Eric; The Complete Book of Fly Tying **Leiser, Eric & Boyle, Eric H.; Stoneflies for the Angler **Letherman, Troy & Tony Weaver; Top Water: **Levy, Howard; Man Against Musky **Lilly, Bud; A Trout's Best Friend:y **Lyons, Nick; Spring Creek **Lyons, Nick; Spring Creek **Marden, Luis; The Angler's Bamboo **Marinaro, Vincent C.; A Modern Dry-Fly Code **Marinaro, Vincent C.; In the Ring of the Rise **McClintock, Grant; Flywater: Fly-Fishing Rivers of the West **McDonald, John (editor); The Complete Fly Fisherman **McDonald, John; Quill Gordon **Mendoza, George; Secret Places of Trout Fishermen **Middleton, Harry; Rivers of Memory; The Bright Country **Migel, J. Michael (editor); The Masters of the Dry Fly **Mundy, Pat; Montana's Last Best River: the Bighole and its People **Peluso, Angelo; Saltwater Flies of the Northeast **Riling, Ray; Guns and Shooting; **Russell, Keith C. and Friends; The Fly-Fishingest Gentlemen **Schaldach, William J.; Coverts & Casts and Currents & Eddies (Boxed set); **Schollmeyer Jim and Ted Leeson; Inshore Flies: Best Contemporary Patterns from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts **Schollmeyer, Jim & Ted Leeson; Trout Flies of the East: Best Contemporary Patterns from East of the Rocky Mountains  **Schwiebert, Ernest; Death of a Riverkeeper **Schwiebert, Ernest; Nymphs; Trout (2 volume, box set) **Scott, Kathy; Changing Planes **Shaw, Helen; Fly-Tying **Shewey, John; Steelhead Flies **Sosin, Mark and Lefty Kreh; Fishing the Flats **Sparse Grey Hackle An Honest Angler **Spiller, Burton L.; Grouse Feathers **Stewart, Dick and Leeman, Bob; Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon **Swift, Jeremy; Arthur Ransome on Fishing **Talleur, Richard W.; Mastering the Art of Fly-tying; Modern Fly-Tying Materials **Vance, Joel M.; Autumn Shadows Outdoor Tales of the Supernatural **Walton, Izaak; The Compleat Angler **Williams, Ted & Underwood, John; Fishing the Big Three **Woods, Shirley E.; Angling For Atlantic Salmon **Woolner, Frank & Henry Lyman; Striped Bass Fishing **Wulff, Lee; Bush Pilot Angler; Trout on a Fly **Zabriskie, George A.; Fisherman's Philosophy

(Click on the photo to see other
recent acquisitions)

The Fishing in Print
Some of the best fishing is done not in the water but in print. --Sparse Grey Hackle--

Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it. --Ed Zern--

If I fished only to capture fish, my fishing trips would have ended long ago. --Zane Grey--

No life is so happy and so pleasant as the life of the well-govern'd angler.--Izaak Walton--

. . . of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. --William Sherwood Fox--

Angling is extremely time consuming. That's sort of the whole point.--Thomas McGuane--

Collector Resources

  • Angling and Sporting Bibliographies & Related Reference Materials

  • Borzoi Books for Sportsmen, 1943-1955

  • Pleasure & Profit Books--A.H. Harding Publishing Company

  • Abercrombie & Fitch Library

  • Lefty's Little Library of Fly Fishing

  • Fly Fisherman's Gold Series

    Recent Acquisitions

    We've recently purchased a collection of contemporary angling books and some others. We will posting updates to our catalogues.

    A selection of uncatalogued books will be offered at up-coming shows You won't want to miss them. There will be books for both collectors and "readers."

    Check back often for additional information.

    Contact Us


    Mailing address
    A.M. Rapach Angling Books
    PO Box 2
    Harrison City, PA 15636-0002 USA

    UPS, FEDEX, DHL Shipping Address
    A.M. Rapach Angling Books
    567 Manor Harrison City Road #0002
    Harrison City, PA 15636-1113 USA


    Copyright 1995-2025 A.M. Rapach All Rights Reserved
    "Your Place for Antiquarian, Collectible, & Out-of-Print Angling, Fishing and Fly Fishing Books on the World Wide Web."
    Text and images contained herein may not be printed, reproduced in any medium or cached for reproduction
    to external online or offline sources without the written permission of the copyright owner.

    "Your Place for Antiquarian, Collectible, & Out-Of-Print Angling Books, Fishing Books, Fly Fishing Books, Hunting Books, and Sporting Books on the World Wide Web." fishing book, angling book, fishing books, angling books, sporting books, fishing, angling, angler, fly, fisherman, trout, fly-fisherman, fly fishing, tying, fly-tying, tyer, fly-tyer, tier, fly-tier, fish, fishes, trout, salmon, bass, saltwater, salt-water, books, book, used, rare, out-of-print, antiquarian, bookseller, antiquarian books, out-of-print books, out of print books, bookstore, online bookstore, used books, secondhand books, rare books, antiquarian books, signed books, second hand books, hard to find books, first editions, collectible books, hunter, hunting, natural history, guns, gun; fishing book, angling book, fishing books, angling books, sporting books, fishing, angling, angler, fly, fisherman, trout, fly-fisherman, fly fishing, tying, fly-tying, tyer, fly-tyer, tier, fly-tier, fish, fishes, trout, salmon, bass, saltwater, salt-water, books, book, used, rare, out-of-print, antiquarian, bookseller, antiquarian books, out-of-print books, out of print books, bookstore, online bookstore, used books, secondhand books, rare books, antiquarian books, signed books, second hand books, hard to find books, first editions, collectible books, hunter, hunting, natural history